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A+ A- 2014-02-26 10:38  |  华图网校  |  责编:admin 评论 点击收藏



  4. 专业题:货币政策几大目标你怎么看?它们之间有什么联系?


  5. 专业题:直接融资和间接融资的联系是什么?


  6. Are you a teamplayer? How do you work with people?(Huatu Education LiaoNing departion Xu Qi)

  Question Type: Autognosis

  Test Ability: Having a good understanding of oneself


  In my opinion, I am a teamplayer because I know the importance of teamwork.

  Thanks to teamwork , I benefit a lot for how to work with people. As the saying goes “Many hands make work lighter.”Personally, I could not agree with it any more. There is no denying that teamwork plays an irreplaceable role in our life. I believe in the strength of teamwork spirit, especially in this competitive society. Bssiedes, I am a person who is good at dealing with the realationship with other people.

  First of all , there is limitations in a certain individual’s capacity which will be compensated by your partners. For instance, you are expert in searching information while tom is good at organizing and analyzing these information .By working together ,both of you can enjoy a detailed and organized information to make your decision accordingly.

  Secondly, it is a wise to move to save your energy to cooperate. In this way ,you will not be a multi-functional person to tackle with all the problems on your own. Put

  it differently ,every take care of his part which he is excellent in .Needless to say ,the

  teamwork improve the efficiency. Last but not least ,through frequently communication ,people working together could learn from each other and inspired by others’creative ideas. In this aspect ,It is really provide us a platform to perform better.

  From the above discussion, we could drawn apparent conclusion that the teamwork is beneficial to both the individual and the collectivity. It does make up the individual’s defects and improve the efficiency. Thus ,It is wise for people to cultivate their teamwork spirit.

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笔面全程定向培养计划 行测+申论 华图资深老师 200 ¥16800 ¥16800 试听 购买
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课程名称 科目 授课老师 课时 价格 华图价 试听 购买
9小时·铁路公安系统1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 53 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
9小时·出入境系统1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 52 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
9小时·外交部1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 52 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
9小时·国税系统1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 52 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
9小时·统计局1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 52 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
9小时·银监会系统1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 52 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
9小时·海关系统1对1家教班 面试 李曼卿 52 ¥8480 ¥3780 试听 购买
