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A+ A- 2015-01-11 15:49  |  华图网校  |  责编:HouXQ 评论 点击收藏



  A village named Dawang Village was located at the foot of mountains with a beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. The villagers raised a happy life living on farming, fishing and planting fruit trees. One day, a travel company came to find the village lifestyle and beautiful scenery, and come to visit the villagers hoping to develop a place as a scenic so that more people could enjoy the beauty of this kind and could also help develop the local economy. With the hope of becoming rich, the villagers granted the request. The village held a village meeting and the local government official explained to the villagers the benefits in this matter and also asked for the villagers' opinions. As a part of the agreement, the river by the village was also in the developing plan. Before long, construction teams crowded into the village. More and more tourists came to the village to enjoy the scenery. Later, several factories moved here resulting from the low costs in labor and earth. The villagers could earn extra money from the tourism and factories. However, out of the villagers’ expectation, the villagers witnessed a big change in their life. Their life was richer than before, however not so comfortable as before. The river, on which the villagers had lived, slowly became drought. This just marked the prelude to a series of disasters. Because of the pollution of the river, the fishing which had lasted for generations couldn’t continue and what’s worse, thanks to the lack of water, the fruit threes withered. Fish stocks became a scarce resource, the plants and flowers no longer sprouted up, and a beautiful place ceased to exist. When mentioning all these things, tears run down the villagers’ cheeks, how regretful they were. The water which had nourished their life was the price for their harsh way of developing. After realizing all these things, the villagers put efforts to make the companies start rectification and implemented a sustainable development model. Now, the village has recovered its beautiful scenery and the villagers can lead a happy life.

  12  共2页


真题答案 行测 申论
言语理解与表达 数量关系 判断推理 常识判断 资料分析
省部级 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析
地市级 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析 真题 答案解析
视频解析 2015年国家公务员考试解析(视频版)
估分入口 行测估分 申论估分
课程名称 科目 授课老师 课时 原价 优惠价 试听 购买
考点精讲班(联报) 行测+申论 华图资深老师 60 ¥2180 ¥1390 试听 购买
30天速成学习方案 行测+申论 华图资深老师 90 ¥3080 ¥1990 试听 购买
60天高分学习方案 行测+申论 华图资深老师 152 ¥4670 ¥2990 试听 购买
100天必通学习方案 行测+申论 华图资深老师 162 ¥5650 ¥3590 试听 购买
真题详解班(联报) 行测+申论 华图资深老师 30 ¥900 ¥690 试听 购买
数量资料强化提高 行政职业能力测验 李委明 8 ¥460 ¥380 试听 购买
课程名称 科目 授课老师 课时 原价 优惠价 试听 购买
无领导小组讨论高分班 面试 王宝平 18 ¥2190 ¥1690 试听 购买
结构化面试名师精品班 面试 刘须宽、郜爽、李曼卿、 24 ¥1860 ¥1490 试听 购买
结构化面试经典长胜班 面试 袁东 8 ¥790 ¥790 试听 购买
结构化面试系统精讲班 面试 李曼卿 20 ¥1860 ¥1490 试听 购买
专岗专训状元协议班 面试 刘须宽、郜爽、李曼卿、 87 ¥17320 ¥12800 试听 购买
专岗专训翻盘协议班 面试 刘须宽、郜爽、李曼卿、 87 ¥17320 ¥9800 试听 购买
