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2014云南所属事业单位VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT 招聘启事(3)

A+ A- 2014-03-04 14:04  |  云南人事考试网  |  责编:郭磊 评论 点击收藏

  · Age should be no more than 50 years old by 31 March 2014(年龄在2014年3月31日前不超过50岁)。

  Desirable qualifications and competencies(优先考虑的条件):

  · Experience in implementing research supporting sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity including genetic diversity, agroecosystem services, or related biological topics(具有执行支持农业生物多样性利用研究项目的经验,包括遗传多样性、农业生态系统服务或相关生物学题目);

  · Experience working on tropical fruits (banana or mango) based agroecosystems, integration of ecological skills into market based approaches(具有热带果树(香蕉、芒果等)为基础的农业生态系统、把生态学技术与基于市场途径相结合的经验);

  · Participation in global fora and networks on the relevant areas(参加过全球性相关领域的论坛和协作网)。

  Terms and conditions: This is locally recruited position. Bioversity International offers an attractive salary, while Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences provides social security coverage, housing and other allowances.(聘期和待遇:本职位是国家水平招聘。国际生物多样性中心提供具有吸引力的工资待遇,同时云南农业科学院提供社会保险、住房和其他优惠待遇。

  Applications: Please apply the position by sending the application, CVs and details of three referees to w.qi@cgiar.org and grace_tangting@163.com at the same time(报名方式:申请者请把申请资料(本人申请信、本人简历和三位封推荐人联系信息)通过邮件同时发送下列地址:w.qi@cgiar.org,grace_tangting@163.com )

  Liaison persons: TANG Ting,Tel:86-871-65197903;ZHANG Zongwen,Tel:86-10-82108383(联系人:唐婷,电话:86-871-65197903;张宗文,电话:86-10-82108383)

  Registration time: March 1, 2014 to March 20, 2014 (报名时间:2014年3月1日至3月20日)

  Assessment and employing procedures (考核及聘用程序):

  1. Qualification assessment: candidates will be assessed by an open recruitment group consisted of experts of the Bioversity International and YAAS. (资格审查:由国际生物多样性中心和云南省农科院相关专家组成的公开招聘考核小组审查报名人员资格。)

  2. Interview: candidates passed the assessment are required to state their favorable conditions, work plans and expected achievements to the recruitment group, and answer questions proposed. (面试考核:资格审查通过人员以答辩的方式对自身具备的条件,拟开展的工作及预期取得的成果进行陈述,并回答考核组专家的提问。)

  3. Candidare selection: 1 candidate will be finally selected by passing the assessment and interview. If failed, the position will be vacant. (确定聘用人选:考核组根据参加考试人员的资历条件、答辩情况进行综合评价,并按综合评价成绩的高低确定1名拟聘用人选。如经考核组评价后认为无适合人选,该岗位可以空缺,择时另行招聘。)

  4. Physical examination: physical examination by the designated medical institution, The Number 2 People's Hospital of Yunnan Province (Yunnan Provincial Red Cross Hospital) is necessary for the candidate selected. (身体检查:经考核后确定的拟聘人选须到指定的医疗机构(云南省第二人民医院,即云南省红十字会医院)进行体检,并提供体检情况报告。)

  5. Publicity: List of candidate will be publicized on the Department of Human Resources and Security of Yunnan Province Website, Yunnan Talent Market Website, Bioversity International Center Website and Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Website for a period of 7 working days. (公示:拟聘用人选名单将在云南人力资源和社会保障网、云南省人才市场网站、国际生物多样性中心网站、云南省农业科学院网站进行公示,公示期为7个工作日。)

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